Saturday, August 25, 2012

This shit don't make no sense

I know I'm late on this and I apologize but fuck it I'm posting it anyway. So earlier this week Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter showed his true racial and sexist colors by manipulating the system so that Disney Consumer Products chairman Andy Mooney and three other executives (all African-American women) lost their jobs. Perlfucker has gone on to make budget cuts for all Marvel projects like in the Iron Man movies. In the first movie they had Terrence Howard play War Machine and in the Sequel they had Don Cheadle play War Machine, but for less money. Perlfucker has gone on to tell Monney at the time that the change cuts cost AND Perlfucker also has gone on to say that they switched actors because no one would notice the switch because "All Black People Look The Same". Um I'm sorry but I didn't know that Terrence Howard and Don Cheadle looked the same, I don't think any would know that because THEY FUCKIN DON'T LOOK THE SAME. You have to be a member of the GOP and the Tea Party to believe that Light Skinned Terrence Howard and Dark Skinned Don Cheadle look alike. Knowing that an Asshole like Perlfucker is running things at Marvel it's no wonder that a movie for Black Panther, Luke Cage or Brother Voodoo isn't in the works and probably won't be if this piece of shit continues to be running shit.

SMH Was this week National Let's Do and Say Racial Dumb Shit Week or something because I didn't get that memo. First I hear about Sherry Jenix and now I hear about this shit? It's times like this where I'm embarrassed to call myself a comic nerd and a video game nerd because of bullshit like this that shows the ugly side of things that I love.

This would be the part where I do my shout outs but because of the recent events imma just sign off right now. Till next time people

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