Monday, December 31, 2012

New Naruto Trailer

Here it is you guys... The new trailer for Naruto Shippuden: UNS3 which features ALL of the Jinchuriki and their tailed beast forms

Friday, December 7, 2012

Jamie Foxx as Electro

Jamie Foxx recently announced that he will play the character Electro in the Columbia Pictures’ upcoming film ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2.’

Foxx told Entertainment Tonight, while talking about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 that, “Electro is a great character. I met with the director, Mark Webb, I met with Andrew Garfield, and we talked. … I think Electro will be an exciting character to play because he’s a … genius electrician-type person, and he gets the short end of the stick from the whole world, and the next thing you know he turns it on.”

I'm actually down with this and can't wait to see what they do with this character because besides Venom, Electrode is my all time favorite villain in Spider-Man.


This is the Black Chivalrous Nerd signing off for now saying Love, Peace and Bacon Grease *SMOKE PELLET*

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Namco Bandai Announces "Project Vs. J"

Namco Bandai has announced the “ultimate Jump game” in the latest issue of Weekly Jump. The publisher is preparing Project Versus J, a Jump series-based action game, in commemoration of the magazine’s 45th anniversary and on the cover it has Luffy and Goku on it and they look like they are ready to fight. Release date and platform(s) have yet to be announced but stay tuned because when I find out that's when you will find out

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Throwback Nerd Out: "Batman: The Long Halloween"

In the 1990's the well renown team of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale came together to make three Halloween batman specials called Batman: Haunted Knight which included three stories called Choices (1993), Madness (1994) and Ghosts (1995). The three books were so good that Loeb and Sale came together in 1996 to create a story that is in the top 5 of the top 25 list of best batman stories of all time according to IGN and also introduces Two-Face to the world. The book I'm talking about is called "Batman: The Long Halloween".

The Long Halloween takes place in the early years of Batman's crime fighting career which is broken down in a 13 issue series that lasts an entire year where it's an issue a month. The story of the series is that there is a mass murderer that have earned the name "Holiday" because he/she has been murdering people on holidays, one death per holiday and its up to Batman and him teaming up with Jim Gordon and D.A. Harvey Dent in a race against the clock to find out who Holiday is before they go on to murder anymore people while also trying to put an end to a crime war between Gotham's most powerful families, Maroni and Falcone.

The Long Halloween also acted as a main introduction for one of Batman's most eluding foes, The Calendar Man, who knows every holiday on the calendar by heart and also knows the true identity of the Holiday killer but refuses to share this with Batman. He instead riddles and gives Batman hints from his Arkham Asylum cell. Among The Calendar Man, there are a number of other villains of Batman that make appearances in this book just as well such as Catwoman, Poison Ivy, The Joker and The Riddler just to name a few and they all have crazy moments within this book.

The one thing that this book also show cases a lot of is the "Love Story" between Batman and Catwoman's true identities and the constant run ins that these two have. Also during the story, you get to see Bruce breakdown and show his human side while as Batman especially when he is facing Scarecrow and his gas affects Batman and Batman goes into his inner child and breakdown.

Speaking of Love Stories, this book shows the struggling marriage that Harvey and Gilda Dent are having and how throughout the book you are actually concerned about this marriage and wish that they can re spark the spark in their marriage before its too late. While we're on the topic of Harvey Dent, let me just say that when he became two face I seriously felt bad for Gilda cause I knew that their marriage was finished after Harvey had half of his face burned off courtesy of the acid thrown at him.

Before I wrap this review up I think it's only fair and right if I talk about a character in the book that certainly knows about holidays, The Calendar Man. Originally named Julian Gregory Day, and originally debuted in Detective Comics #259 (September 1958), The Calendar Man is mostly considered as a joke villain throughout the DC Universe. But in The Long Halloween, Jeph Loeb has The Calendar man playing a Hannibal Lector-esque type roll, that is both interesting and also necessary as he is locked up in Arkham and knows the true identity of who The Holiday murderer is but won't tell Batman but instead is taunting Batman via Cryptic Clues on who The Holiday Murderer is. The clues are so cryptic that in one instance, Batman believes that Harvey Dent is actually the Holiday Murderer because of the evidence that batman finds at the house. But apparently word at the Dent house is that Harvey loves to bring work home as he said to Gilda during the story as she found a gun that looked like the murder weapon at the house.

I don't wanna spoil the book for anyone that hasn't read it yet but I highly recommend fans of Batman and fans of really well told comic book stories to pick up Batman: the Long Halloween. This book is just about Batman, but rather Batman/Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Harvey Dent and even Selina Kyle/Catwoman just as well. You can purchase the single issues Digitally for $1.99 each or you can get the graphic novel for $16.49 on or go to your local comic book store and pick it up.

Before I go I will leave you with a quote about the story that rings true and it's by director of the latest batman trilogy Christopher Nolan and it goes like this, "The Long Halloween is more than a comic book, it's an Epic Tragedy".

Alright guys that's all the time I have for today but I encourage you to stay tuned because there will be more Throwback Nerd Outs to come. Share, Like, Plus One, Comment, but above all else please Donate because there are so many more ideas that I want to do with this website but I can only do so much, given the financial status of my current job, but trust me when I say that this is just the beginning for The Black Chivalrous Nerd.


This is the Black Chivalrous Nerd signing off for now saying Love, Peace and Bacon Grease *SMOKE PELLET*

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

WWE '13 Review

Okay I know this is late as all hell and I'm sorry for that but here it is.

First off Let me just say that this game truly does bring back the nostalgia of the Attitutde Era with the their Attitude Era Mode. Attitude Era Mode was this years story mode instead of the Road to wrestlemania and what they did was start from the summer slam when Bret and undertaker were fighting and Shawn was the guest referee and Shawn "screwed" undertaker. Then after that it continues on to when DX began, the stone cold era, then the brothers of destruction, mankind, the rock, and there are other memorable things that happen.

The commentary during the Attitude Era Mode is JR and The King which is a plus, You have Paul Heyman who was the writer for this game mode so that's another plus for the game. Another thing was that the cinema cut scenes was actual footage from that time and you had narration to get you ready for the next match. The one thing I didn't like was the Brothers Of Destruction story because you only controlled either one about 35% of the time. If I'm playing a story about the BOD then I expect to play as either Kane or Undertaker, Not Mankind, Not Stone Cold not any other wwe wrestlers.

But overall I really enjoyed this Game Mode but now on to the other features of the game. The WWE Universe is almost as good as last year. One of the few things I had against it was that it really wasn't as interactive as they said it was. One example is that when freely customizing a match you can't make it a title match :( I'm not amused by that. The other thing I don't like is that they say that there are some story lines within the WWE Universe mode where injuries happen, or rather they should. I've played this mode multiple times and have twisted John Cena in more knots than a sailor or Boy Scout know and have shattered every bone in his body and he ain't injured.

So I decided to try it on the rest of the roster that he thinks he's a better wrestler than most of them *Side Eye* but anyway, the same thing happened... So that turned to be false advertisement so that was another minus for the game. The cut scenes are great and awesome and they also added a few more cut scenes and that was cool so there's another plus. The other downside was that Michael Cole was doing commentary with Jerry "The King" Lawler but I would've preferred have JR for universe mode but anyway. You can create your own show and make your own roster and add which titles you want on the show just as well.

Another feature that I like is the create feature which Includes the create a wrestler mode, create an entrance, create a finisher, create an arena, create a title, create a storyline. All of that is up and running and all is awesome. I'm still upset with the create a Finisher because I want to create submission hold finishers. I seriously want to create the Chikara Special and put a lot of people in that hold so make it happen THQ.

the online feature hasn't been buggy as of yet so right now I'm all about the wwe online community in this game, I've downloaded a few characters and I enjoy it very much so. The graphics for thesis so clear and crisp, there are still some bugs and warps here and there but that's nothing new. One incident was when I was in a TLC match against Rey Mysterio and I suplexed him from the top of the ladder to the outside onto a table and as he crashed through the table, his lower body went down but his upper body stayed up where the table use to be.

But I digress, the roster is jam packed with every one from the current roster even though there are a few superstars that still got fired before the game came out but still it's great to see them on here. Even though I love some of he guys on the roster there was one thing that caught my attention and it has had my attention the longest. WHY ISN'T THE USO'S AND TAMINA SNUKA NOT IN THIS GAME? I mean come on I want the USO'S in this game please? If you can have their father in it why not the sons? Who cares about Gangrel or Nash anymore? Those spot should've been used for the Uso's. and another one is sable because if you are going to have an attitude era resurrection mode why not have Sable? Come on now.

But overall I believe that this game gets a 8.95 out of 10 and I highly recommend it for anyone that loves pro wrestling games. Oh and btw? Predator Technology didn't fuck this game up like last year. This game also has a feature called OMG! Where in certain areas in a match, you can perform a finisher that would make Joey Styles scream, "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" And I'm talking about tackling an opponent through the barricade, finishers through tables, and if you have two super heavyweights you can perform the superplex heard around the world and break the ring.

Alright guys that's all the time for now so don't forget to check it out, play it and love it.

Shout out to the CHATROOM And the shows that come out from the people within the CHATROOM.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

DC and Marvel's story arc war for 2012

So this year in the world of Comics we've had blockbuster story arcs that are amazing, shocking and jaw dropping. DC had the Night Of Owls story Arc that talks about a secret organization that is as old as Gotham try to take out Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, Batwing, Red Hood, Red Robin and in one issue of All-Star Western you will see Jonah Hex go against a Talon - deadly assassins for the Court of Owls- back in the era of cowboys and Indians to see who truly rules the nights of Gotham. I'm still reading this story arc but from what I'm reading this story arc is truly attention grabbing for the reader.

Marvel then answers with the summer blockbuster known as Avengers Vs. X-Men which I believe was absolutely amazing. No punches were held back in this event as old alliances were broken, marriages were destroyed, cities were annihilated, and long time friends and loved ones were lost in this all out war. This story arc which revolved around the ever powerful Phoenix returning and whether it means the rebirth of the mutant race or the destruction of the planet but overall it's a story you do not want to miss out on.

Following that blockbuster Marvel continues to swing with a story arc within their ultimate universe known as Divided we Fall/United we stand story arc that involved Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men and the Ultimates that has now changed the ultimate universe but is this change for the worse or for the good? You will just have to continue to read the ultimate universe comics to see

Now DC answers back with another crossover story arc called "Death of the Family" which involves Batman, Batgirl, Catwoman, Harley, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, the current Robin, Alfred and wait for it..... The Joker. Yes, the Clown Prince of crime in Gotham is back after vanishing for a year and having his face carved off, check out the pic below from Detective Comics #1 to see what I mean, to expose batman and the entire bat family and promises that the people around Batman and probably Batman will be dying in this Story Arc. From what has happened so far in the Story Arc, Joker returns, gets his face back, wrecks havoc and is reliving crime scenes that he has already tried once but is adding more twists and swerves this time around. Oh and by the way? Joker finally has the identities of Batman and everyone else

Reliving scenarios like Joker and Batmans first encounter when Joker was the original Red Hood or the ever so memorable scenario from the book "The Killing Joke" when he cripples batgirl but instead has his goons kidnap Batgirl's Mother which adds a twist to Batgirl and Joker's encounter in which I do not want to give anything away. As I'm reading this story arc I'm intrigued to see what other Classic Scenarios Joker brings back to life with more twists added this time and what happens next and what has happened to Alfred.

In this never ending war between the two power comic book empires I believe that DC got the upper hand this year when it comes to story arcs in comic books. Even though Avengers Vs. X-Men was epic and Marvel s going through a Re-Launch themselves with Marvel NOW! DC blew them out of the water and is going to close out the year with their hands raised and continue this momentum going into next year, but this is my opinion. What do you guys think? Who do you think won this years War Of The Mega Comic Empires and what do you expect next year between Marvel and DC? Comment on either G+ or on this post and give me your views and opinions.... Okay guys that's all for now. PEACE

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The gold and silver brothers of the hidden cloud is confirmed

YOSH! A brand new scan from Shonen Jump has been revealed! It confirms the Gold and Silver brothers will be in Naruto Storm 3! By the looks of it, they aren’t confirmed as playable characters just yet, but rather as bosses part of story mode.

The golden brother Kinkaku will wield the power of the elements with the Bashosen (Banana Palm Fan). The silver brother Ginkaku will be equipped with the Benihisago, the Crimson Gourd which sucks opponents in for using their most used word.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Marvel gets it but DC doesn't

Okay so there has been something on my mind for a while when it comes to digital comics and the ideas that some publishers use or don't use. One of the ideas I'm talking about is the idea of bundling issues into one graphic novel or as they are called in Comixology, Collected Editions. Marvel comics as well as IDW use this idea for their comic books in comixology and other digital comic apps but other heavyweight comic publishers like DC refuse to do the same thing and I believe it's not right.

I believe it's not right because as a comic book nerd I like it when the issues of a story are in one section or collected edition. An example of this would be the X-Men Messiah storyline when the mutants were on the verge on extinction until Hope Summers was born. That story has parts ALL OVER the X-Men universe that instead of keeping the issues separate, they combined them together to make a graphic novel and I like that because it saves time trying to switch from one comic book to the next, and it also saves money just as well.

Allow me to elaborate on this real quick for a moment. The price for book one of Uncanny X-Force (which has issues 1-4) is $6.99 plus tax on comixology, but the four issues that are in that collected book are $1.99 each, Which means that if you were to buy the single issues it would cost you $10.73 plus tax. With that in mind and the economy slowly getting back on its feet, a wise choice is to purchase the collected book instead of the individual issue and marvel understands that sometimes saving money is always good. Another example of this is Marvel Mondays on comixology which is a certain comic book series or event are selling their issues for 99 Cents each which is another great deal for the consumer.

Now DC? They don't understand that yet because they don't sell collected editions which means that when it comes to storylines and story arcs, you will be buying individual issues and you will be switching from one comic book series to another to get to the other part of the story arc. One example is Green Lantern's "War Of The Green Lanterns" storyline because the issues are scattered all over the place it's absolutely crazy why DC doesn't decide to put it all together as one collected edition and sell it for a cheaper price than to have their customers at more to get all of the individual issues.

There are multiple examples of DC comics that would benefit from a collected edition book and one of them is the Critically Acclaimed Storyline "Knightfall" which introduced Bane and the classic and memorable moment in batman history which is Bane Literally Breaking Batman in half. There are so many issues and its not just in the Batman series but also has some issues in the Detective Comics comic series. That is one book that I would love to pick up and read but only if there was a digital version of the graphic novel.

I say all this because as someone who has spent time and money to read these stories, I think it would be a great idea if every comic book publisher started making collected editions of their books. It would save time, money, and it would definitely make the consumers very happy and satisfied. Not just because they get to read these stories but also because they would be saving money in the process just as well.

So I propose that us as fans of these comics should come together and raise our collected voices and let these publishers know that they all need to start making digital collected editions of their comic books.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Really TNA?

TNA Wrestling announced yesterday its plans to launch a film production company, with its inaugural release, No Holds Barred 2, set for release in late-2012.

“TNA is much more than a wrestling company — it’s a global multimedia entertainment juggernaut,” TNA president Dixie Carter said in a press release.

“The launch of TNA Films is the next giant leap in the evolution of the TNA empire, and what better film to start with than the long-awaited sequel to No Holds Barred?”

Shooting of No Holds Barred is scheduled to begin next month, with both Hulk Hogan and Tom “Tiny” Lister reprising their roles from the original film.

The sequel will reportedly pick up where the 1989 original left off — Zeus (Lister) seeks revenge on Rip (Hogan) by kidnapping Rip’s little sister and selling her into sexual slavery on a mysterious island in the South Pacific. Rip must infiltrate the island’s heavily guarded fortress and survive a gauntlet of challenges to free his sister before battling Zeus inside a six-sided ring.

TNA Films is rumored to be considering a number of scripts for future productions including Suburban Commando: Second Strike, and Mr. Nanny Returns.

Some entertainment industry insiders have criticized TNA for relying too heavily on Hulk Hogan’s star power at the expense of young up-and-coming talent. Dixie Carter has dismissed such criticism, saying “we give fans what they want, and clearly they want Hogan.”

TNA Films is expected to be a strong competitor for WWE Films We Know WWE Sucks And Hogan Is A jerk

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Avengers Vs. X-Men Review

Okay so here is the review of Marvels summer Blockbuster comic book series Avengers Vs. X-Men. The story behind this series is that The Avengers see that the Phoenix is coming back and they want to prevent that from happening where Cyclops and the remaining 200 mutants (Thanks to Scarlet Witch in House of M) are relying on Hope Summers who is being called the Mutant Messiah and will restore the Mutant Race and use the power of the Phoenix to do so. The Story progresses on and the war between the two factions commence when Cyclops and Captain America have a disagreement about who will help Hope.

Among that there are ties that are brought together, ties and bonds are severed, and others are still in the air while the fighting between the two factions are going on. While the fighting going on the Phoenix rejects hope and goes sync with Cyclops, Emma Frost, Colossus, Namor and Magik and they become the Phoenix Five and that is when havoc is really brought into the world. There are moments where your jaw will hit the floor, there are moments where you will want to flip a table, and moments where you will be like "WTFF" but it will keep you wanting to continue reading.

I suggest that if you don't wanna get the single issues of this then to wait for the graphic novel to buy and read. This series in my opinion almost lost me at one moment but I pushed on through and I'm so glad I did because I wasn't expecting the ending to end like that and the spin off comics "Uncanny Avengers" and "AvX Consequences" are looking to be good spin off comic books so read this book.

Also to get a full understanding of Avengers vs. X-Men I highly suggest you pick up the books that lead to Avengers Vs. X-Men which are House Of M, X-Men: Messiah Complex, X-Force/Cable: Messiah War and X-Men: Second Coming. Read those books in that order THEN read AvX and you will understand the full scope and scale of AvX.

Alright good people that's it for this blog post don't forget to Like, Comment, share and tell ya people's about this website. Stay tuned because more things are bound to come in the near future and you don't wanna miss it.

SHOUT OUT TO #TeamBlacknessUnited and all of the projects they are involved in. Also don't forget to vote for Thespawnpointblog, 8bitanimal, Nerdgasm Noire Network, operations Cubicle, This Week In Blackness and everyone else from #TeamBlacknessUnited as they are in the finals for the Black Web Blog Awards so show them mad love and tell them that the Black Chivalrous Nerd Sent You.

Love Peace and Bacon Grease

Monday, October 22, 2012

Wolverine: Old Man Logan Review

Hey guys here's my review for Wolverine: Old Man Logan which was done by Mark Millar (Civil War, The Ultimates 1 and 2) and Steve McNiven. When I first heard about Old Man Logan I was skeptical because the comic nerd in me didn't wanna believe that Wolverine could be old because of his healing factor ability he couldn't age. But for the uninitiated (Shout out to the big homie 8-Bit Animal) Old Man Logan is a story 50 years in the future where Wolverine hasn't popped his claws in forever since the villains joined together and was being led by Red Skull and they attacked the heroes and took over the country and an incident that turned the most lethal hero in marvel comics history into a pacifist.

What happened was that Mysterio created an illusion that all of the villains have invaded the Xavier School and Wolverine went and killed everyone, or so he thought. When in reality he killed every Member of the X-Men including Charles Himself so Logan decides to go into hiding and decides to never pop his claws anymore.

Fast forward 50 years later and Logan is married with kids and owns a farm in California which is owned by the Hulk Gang ( yes Bruce banner is a baddy in this book) and Logan owes them money so they say he has two weeks to pay double or else. Hawkeye which is now blind but can still drive around and is still one hell of a dead eye comes to Logan for help and offers to pay Logan enough money for him to pay the hulk gang and still have some left over which leads to a cross country adventure all the way to the east coast which is owned by President Red Skull (Yes you heard me correctly, PRESIDENT RED SKULL).

I don't want to get into it anymore because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone that hasn't read it but all I'm going to say is that this book is another blockbuster hit from the brilliant mind of mark Millar and this book definitely takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotions plus there are moments where you will go OH SHIT. If you are looking for a good read then I highly recommend this book for you and you can get it for $15 on comixology if you get comics digitally or check your local comic book store just as well.

Alright my good people that's all the time I have for today so don't forget to like, comment, share and tell ya people's about this website. Stay tuned because more things are bound to come in the near future and you don't wanna miss it.

SHOUT OUT TO #TeamBlacknessUnited and all of the projects they are involved in. Also don't forget to vote for Thespawnpointblog, 8bitanimal, Nerdgasm Noire Network, operations Cubicle, This Week In Blackness and everyone else from #TeamBlacknessUnited as they are in the finals for the Black Web Blog Awards so show them mad love and tell them that the Black Chivalrous Nerd Sent You.

Love Peace and Bacon Grease

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Character dlc and story mode update

It has just been confirmed in the latest issue of Shonen Jump that edo Deidara and Edo Asuma will be playable characters in the upcoming game.  Also white zetsu will be featured as an enemy during the story modes newest features hack and slash.

The hack and slash is a feature with in the story mode where you fight off certain amount of enemies during the story.  And one example is when sasuke is fighting off guards during his invasion at the five Kages summit.

Also some dlc has been confirmed for the game.  As most of you who are fans of naruto know, there has been a picture of naruto riding shenron from dragonball z while wearing goku's orange outfit and possessing the power pole that goku uses and this pic has been a fan favorite as the coolest "crossover" pic.  Well the people of Bandai Namco and Cyber Connect 2 like it just as well so it will be available as DLC when the game comes out. No release date yet but its coming.

The game comes out March 2013 and its looking to be an awesome one.  The game starts at the nine tails attack on konoha, continues on to the five Kages arc, then the shinobi war and onto later episodes of the show leading to the games release which means that Madara Uchiha might be featured in this game as Madara and not "Tobi".

Well that's all the time I have for today but stay tuned for more.  One love and SHOUT OUT TO #TEAMBLACKNESSUNITED AND ALL OF THE PROJECTS THEY'RE WORKING ON

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NaruSaku? Really Kishimoto?

So in a recent interview, Naruto Creator Masashi Kishimoto has stated that the love couple of Naruto and Sakura ( Or As the Naruto fan base calls them NaruSaku) is true and will happen.  Now I for one believe that that is complete and udder bullshit because why would Kishimoto make NaruSaku the couple when Kishimoto made it clear in a chapter that Sakura just wanted to be friends with Naruto. 

      Plus lets not forget that we all know that the true love couple is NaruHina.  Hinata Hyuuga is clearly the one for him.  Don't forget that during the Naruto vs. Nagato Pain when Naruto was pinned down who was there to protect him and give Pain the business for a little while.  It damn sure wasn't Sakura's useless ass, it was Lady Hinata and that is where she expressed her love for Naruto.

       Honestly, my opinion on Kishimoto making NaruSaku the official couple in the near future instead of NaruHina is crazy.  Sakura is too abusive physically and verbally against Naruto, where Hinata has cared for him since day one. 

       Shout out to The Black Guy Who Tips, BcCo's Studios, Character Select, Nerdgasm Noire Network, The Spawn Point Blog, 8Bit Animal, The Chartroom and Everyone else

Monday, September 24, 2012

Golden Gabby and Nintendo

Gabrielle Douglas of Virginia Beach, Va./Chow's Gymnastics and Dance Institute, will join Glee cast member Dianna Agron and Modern Family's Sarah Hyland in the new Nintendo ad campaign, "Play As You Are," set to launch on Oct. 1. Douglas will specifically endorse New Super Mario Bros. 2, which launched Aug. 19.

Through the women's endorsements of their favorite Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo 3DS XL hand held systems, the campaign is designed to show how all kinds of women and young girls can explore their interests and express their individuality using the portable Nintendo 3DS— whether they consider themselves gamers or not.

Douglas' new endorsement comes in the midst of the 40-city Kellogg's Tour of Gymnastics Champions, which kicked off on Sept. 8 in San Jose, Calif., and will end on Nov. 18 in Brooklyn, N.Y. For tickets to the Kellogg's Tour, please visit  LET'S GO GABBY!!!!!!! Golden Gabby Nerding Hard

Friday, September 21, 2012


Today marks ten years since Kishimoto created the world and universe we all know and love that is called Naruto... since 2002 Kishimoto's creation has created a HUGE fan base that has fallen in love with his characters, the storylines are amazing and everything about the show is awesome... so Congrats to Kishimoto, and happy anniversary you guys

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

(Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!!!) Naruto Chapter 601... Wow just wow

Okay so in a shocking event, Kishimoto and the people of Shonen jump have released the brand new Chapter of Naruto One Day early and boy was it worth it.

Okay so now that Obito was revealed as Tobi and Naruto and the gang are ready to fight, Madara shows up to even the score back in chapter 600, which lead to so many questions but one in particular. What happened between him and the 5 Kages? Well ladies and gentlemen I am here to tell you that they got they asses handed to them like the Cincinnati Bengals got they asses handed to them by the Ravens last night.

So all of the Kages are beaten down to the point that they are on the brink of death. All but one which was Lady Tsunade who happened to be ripped in half thanks to Madara so it looks like Tsunade is going to die in this war but before she summons her slug companion and tells her to tend to the other Kages. And apparently in this chapter we learn that Obito was suppose to have Nagato resurrect Madara but instead Nagato used that Jutsu to bring the hidden leaf back to life.

And in the last panel its a flashback to when Obito was saved from being under the rock. He's bandaged up and asks someone where am I and there is an aged, wrinkled up version of Madara Uchiha tellin Obito that he his between Death And Life.

OH SHIT THINGS ARE STARTING TO PICK UP. But of course there are questions like how did Madara beat the Kages, how did Tsunade get cut in half, and what happened during Obito's healing from being crushed?

I guess we will find out next week. Until then stay tuned for more blog posts. I've been busy as of late and will be busy til November 4th but I won't forget about you guys

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Achievement list for WWE '13 has posted the following list of achievements for the Xbox 360 version of the upcoming WWE '13 video game:

A winner is you! (10 points) -10 victories in ranked matches.

The Streak Ends (50 points) - Beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania with a Custom Superstar on Legend difficulty (single player).

King of the world (50 points) - Achieve the maximum rank on Xbox LIVE.

Gold standard (45 points) - Earn the WWE, WCW, and ECW Championship belts with a single Superstar.

Invincible man (40 points) - Win at least 20 matches on hard difficulty or higher (single player).

A man who wastes no opportunity (35 points) - Cash in a Money in the Bank and win using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe (single player).

Established veteran (30 points) - Achieve the rank 10 on Xbox LIVE.

Berserker (25 points) - Break a total of 50 tables, ladders, and chairs by attacking with them (single player).

Mr. Money in the Bank (30 points) - Win Money in the Bank using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe mode (single player).

Comeback! (20 points) - Successfully perform a Comeback Move (single player).

A once in a lifetime event (20 points) - Appear in WrestleMania using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe (single player)

A winning combination! (25 points) - Use a wake-up taunt, land a Finisher and immediately pin your opponent (single player).

One of history's greats (25 points) - Exhibition (Legend difficulty) - Defeat a Superstar with his Attitude Era version (single player).

I just keep evolving! (20 points) - Exhibition (Legend difficulty) - With a Superstar, defeat his Attitude Era version (single player).

A legend begins (20 points) - Win at least one match on Hard difficulty or higher (single player).

Fighting smart (15 points) - Exhibition - Attack the same body part 10 or more times in a single match (single player).

Negotiatior (15 points) - Exhibition - Force an opponent to quit in an "I Quit" Match (single player).

All original baby! (15 points) - Compete as a Custom Superstar in a Custom Arena for a Custom Championship.

The ring is my home! (15 points) - Play a match in an arena created in Create an Arena mode.

Rising star (20 points) - Achieve the rank 5 on Xbox LIVE.

Made-up original story (15 points) - Create a story including a Custom Superstar or a Custom Arena.

Yes! Yes! Yes! (10 points) - Defeat Sheamus with Daniel Bryan (single player, Exhibition Mode only).

Reached the ropes! (10 points) - Crawl to the ropes during a submission (Single Player).

A Superstar is born! (10 points) - Win a match using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe mode (single player).

Arena designer (10 points) - Create an arena in Create an Arena mode.

Check out my Entrance Video! (10 points) - Create an entrance movie in Create an Entrance mode

Paint tool magician (10 points) - Use the paint tool to create and add an original logo to any original creation.

This is special! (10 points) - Create a front, top-rope, and corner special move.

The champ is here! (10 points) - Create an original championship belt in the Championship Editor.

Create and destroy (15 points) - Exhibition (Title Match) - Attack your opponent with a custom belt (single player).

Awesome! (5 points) - Take a screenshot in Create a Highlight mode.

A fresh beginning (5 points) - Play in an Xbox LIVE match (Player match/Ranked match)

Welcome to the creators' circle (5 points) - Your Community Creations content has been reviewed at least 5 times.

Critic (5 points) - Review 5 or more user-created content items in Community Creations.

The fact that they have brought back the championship editor and you can create your own titles again is awesome... Plus they brought back the special guest ref mode for regular exhibition matches is awesome. Let's just hope that it's not as buggy as WWE '12... DAMN YOU PREDATOR TECHNOLOGY!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fuck You Ubisoft

This rant is brought to you by the fact that Ubisoft, the makers of the Assassin's Creed Series, are a bunch of scared Lil bitches for their decisions when it comes to the two upcoming AC games coming out. So as we all know, Assassin's Creed 3 is coming out and the protagonist is an assassin that is Native American, well he was until white purist gamers started bitching about why do they gotta play as an Indian. So Ubisoft, instead of standing their ground and saying "Fuck you, if you don't like it then don't buy the game", they act like Lil bitches, they decide to wimp out and alter the race of the new protagonist Connor Kenway, birth name Ratonhnhaké:ton (pronounced "Ra-doon-ha-gay-doon").

But wait folks cause it gets better because not only is there a AC 3 thats coming out for consoles, But there is a Playstation Vita version coming out where you play as a female assassin who is black. Oh wait my mistake she's half black and half French because once again, the white portable console gamers got all upset cause they gotta play as a black assassin. So the character's name is Aveline de Grandpré and her father was French and her mother was of course her mother was black, but wait my faithful viewers because it get gets better.

So with this upcoming game one would wonder who will be Doing the voice of miss Aveline de Grandpré and would think they would have Sanaa Lathan, Kerry Washington, Gabrielle Union or maybe Zoe Saldana do the voice. Well I just saw on that Aveline's voice will be done by Sarah Natochenny, a white actress and model perhaps most recognizable as the voice of Ash Ketchum in Pokémon cartoons.

Here's what I have to say about this is REALLY UBISOFT? It's bad enough that you had to make the character mixed but it's even worse that you had to hire an actress that is whiter than the Purest Cocaine coming out of South America. Apparently this actress impressed the casting people, but what imma ask is how? She ain't black, apparently it was her impressive French accent that sold the casting director but if you wanna add insult to injury then this is the type of shit that you do.

This is another thing that makes me pissed off once again. I can't believe that these multi-million dollar companies are a bunch of Lil bitches that they don't want to upset the white gamers as if they are the only ones that purchase their games. No assholes there are more than just white gamers that buy your products and I'm a member of the non white gaming community that buy your games.

As a gamer I can't deal with the fact that these gaming companies fall under the pressure of this community time and time again. The fact that we had a Black Protagonist in a GTA game was amazing but I'm ready for another one and I'm tired of playing games where I can create my own black protagonist.

I'm ready for another game where the protagonist is of color and have no trace of white in them, so can all these gaming companies stop kissing these fucking white gamers asses and as they say in Spartacus, "Grab A Hold Of Your Fuckin' Cock". MAN THE FUCK UP GAMING COMPANIES!!!!!!!!!




So first of all to the Fans that continued to say that Tobi wasn't who The Reasonable fans thought he was let me say to all of you that you can all SHUT THE FUCK UP cause all your reasons are now invalid. Oh it feels good to shove it in their faces about how wrong they were and everything.

Okay so if you read Chapter 599 of Naruto then you know what this is all about but to those that don't let me let you know who Tobi is. Tobi, the man that organized the Akatsuki, gave the hidden rain village's Nagato Uzumaki the Rinnegan, the man that manipulated the nine tailed beast to cause havoc upon the Hidden Leaf Village Years Ago, is non other than Obito Uchiha.

Ever since we saw Madara Uchiha come back to the battlefield earlier this year or late last year, everyone has been questioning who Tobi was because we all thought that Tobi was Madara Uchiha. But ever since Madara showed up and started beating on the Five Kages, rumors and speculations have been thrown around left and right through out the Internet.

Now the speculations and rumors and theories can now stop and everyone that said that Obito wasn't Tobi can now suck it and shut up and know their place because Kishimoto just told all of you that you don't know anything. Of course now that we know it is Obito I would like to know how he survived being under the rock and I think Kishimoto will explain it in next weeks Chapter.

Okay guys that's all for Now. Until next time this is the Black Chivalrous Nerd Signing Off

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thank You Paul

So I just got in from work and I watched Triple H's address to the fans from last night in raw and I just wanna say that I know it's scripted, I know its all planned. But every time those guys drop character and be themselves it gets me choked up. It happened with edge last year and hunters speech last night got me just as well. Growing up watching these guys throughout the attitude era and then have them drop their character at this point in time to say whether they're done for real or not always gets me cause real talk, every time I see HHH in the ring I go back to that 9 year old Mark that dreamt of being like them but was too scared to do it so I only watched and lived my dream via video games.

If this is Hunter's final ride at the rodeo so to speak I just wanna say thank you Hunter for the memories and moments you left for me as a longtime fan to remember you by. Whether it was you're antics with DX, or when you were with Evolution or even right now. I just wanna say thank you Paul Levesque for sacrificing your body so that I could enjoy this world that is Professional Wrestling

Long Live The Game

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Green Lantern John Stewart: Why Are You Here?

Okay so this blog post has been on my mind for quite some time and I honestly want to give my views and opinion on the Green Lantern John Stewart Character. He is the First black Superhero for DC Comics and the third black hero in comic book history after black panther and falcon of Marvel Comic Fame. He's an architect and a war veteran from Detroit, Michigan and is The replacement of Green Lantern Guy Gardner after Guy got injured due to an accident. Or so that was the story in issue 87 in which John made his debut. In later issues say issue 183 I believe, the origin in which John becomes the apart of the Green Lantern Corps. is completely different because in that issue, Hal Jordan quits the Corps and the Guardians need a replacement and choose John.

           So right there that left me with a WTF moment. Then later on he shows up not only in comics but on tv on a Justice league cartoon show and for some reason he's on trial for murder and has to relinquish his ring, but apparently in the comics he still has his ring and then in LATER issues (I.e.. Last year before The New 52) there is a war of the lanterns and he gets caught and held hostage with other GL's and his way of escape is by Killing Another GL (WTF Moment #2) and then in The New 52, He's being put on Trial for Murder AGAIN!!!!! Really Dude? Man some reputation this guy has. Oh before I forget, during the War of the Lanterns Story Arc, this Nigga blows up Mogo. For those of you who don't know who or what that is that is the being that gives rings to new wearers that will become apart of the Green Lantern Corps. This guy is crazy, a rash thinker, and honestly? I believe he is a waste of ink.

My view and opinion on this guy is that I don't believe that he deserves a movie, Hell I believe this guy shouldn't even be around. The only reason he's around is because DC didn't wanna be outdone by Marvel so they Made John Stewart. He suppose to be DC's answer to Marvel's Black Panther and Falcon, or Black Panther and Goliath depending on who you ask. My point is this, Co-Host of Nerdgasm Noire Network, Operation Cubicle and Character Select JP Fairfield or Isitis on twitter had gone on a Lil rant on an episode on Character Select. The reason for her rant was that Ryan Reynolds was going to play Batman when they reboot it (this is something I'm saving for another blog post) and she went on to say if they're going reboot batman and have him as Batman, then she better get her John Stewart Green Lantern Movie along with some other movies featuring heroes of color.

 My answer to that is this, I don't wanna see a movie about him, I don't care about John Stewart and IF they do a movie then I would like it to be a joke because that is what I see him as. So my vision of the movie is that I would like Tyler Perry and the People that did batman and robin in '97 to do it and I would like to see the role of John Stewart to be played by non other than actor Marlon Waynes and then have Ryan Reynolds do cameos as Hal Jordan just for the fuck of it. This is one Hero of Color I could do without and if I offended anyone who is a fan of the John Stewart Green Lantern Character then I apologize to you but as for me? I could do without him and if you wanna put it on an even bigger scale I could do without Green Lantern in General because there are so many of them and not to mention that there are different color lanterns just as well that that whole world is confusing and convoluted and just flat out boring to me.

So if you are a Lantern fan don't take it personal I'm just venting because this universe of heroes is just... MEH to me.

This is the part where I would give shout outs but I'm just gone say go to the links on the side and tell them that The Black Chivalrous Nerd sent you.

Peace, Blessings and I'm Signing Off

Saturday, August 25, 2012

This shit don't make no sense

I know I'm late on this and I apologize but fuck it I'm posting it anyway. So earlier this week Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter showed his true racial and sexist colors by manipulating the system so that Disney Consumer Products chairman Andy Mooney and three other executives (all African-American women) lost their jobs. Perlfucker has gone on to make budget cuts for all Marvel projects like in the Iron Man movies. In the first movie they had Terrence Howard play War Machine and in the Sequel they had Don Cheadle play War Machine, but for less money. Perlfucker has gone on to tell Monney at the time that the change cuts cost AND Perlfucker also has gone on to say that they switched actors because no one would notice the switch because "All Black People Look The Same". Um I'm sorry but I didn't know that Terrence Howard and Don Cheadle looked the same, I don't think any would know that because THEY FUCKIN DON'T LOOK THE SAME. You have to be a member of the GOP and the Tea Party to believe that Light Skinned Terrence Howard and Dark Skinned Don Cheadle look alike. Knowing that an Asshole like Perlfucker is running things at Marvel it's no wonder that a movie for Black Panther, Luke Cage or Brother Voodoo isn't in the works and probably won't be if this piece of shit continues to be running shit.

SMH Was this week National Let's Do and Say Racial Dumb Shit Week or something because I didn't get that memo. First I hear about Sherry Jenix and now I hear about this shit? It's times like this where I'm embarrassed to call myself a comic nerd and a video game nerd because of bullshit like this that shows the ugly side of things that I love.

This would be the part where I do my shout outs but because of the recent events imma just sign off right now. Till next time people

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Pissed Off Gamer

So the other day, well-known fighting game community member SherryJenix posted a picture of her dinner on instagram (of course why wouldn't you? That's all instagram is) which consisted of Fried Chicken and Rice and she put as the caption, "The Nigga Special" . Now after people started blowing up that photo with comments, she went to twitter (@sherryjenix) and stated that people need to get a sense of humor. And then people coined in and stating that "it's okay because a Black man said it" and to those people I say SHIT THE FUCK UP!!!! I'm tired of people thinking well if a black person can say it then it's okay for me to say it. No its not okay for ANYONE, whether black, white, Asian (Like Sherry), Latino, Martian, Asari, Nord, Argonian or even Khajiit to say that word.

She then replies with a "apology", that didn't feel sincere at the least, on twitter stating "Things are getting ridiculously out of hand. Anyways, sorry again to those who got offended". I'm sorry but did you say "who GOT offended"? So I guess we can put her in the category of non-sincere unapologetic assholes with The modern day Ike Turner because THIS SHIT is ridiculous.

To think that someone that has broken down barriers for female gamers in not just the FGC but in the gaming community in general, she should know how to use her words. Because let's face it, if you're a female or gay or a gamer of color, you know how the world of online gaming is and how if you're not a white male that games that you can't voice your grievances and if you do then you get labeled a buzz kill or you're ruining everyone's fun. No idiot the one that's ruining the fun is your ignorant ass.
I remember playing a random game of Soul Calibur 5 in March and the other gamer sounded white, and was an older gentleman but as we're playing, he beats me and he says "Yea nigger I knocked you down and out for good like that little monkey in florida named Trayvon". Before I could respond he left the room and but I didn't wanna hunt him down cause that's what he would want.

All I'm saying is, instead of using your platform to use slurs and perpetuate stereotypes about other races, why don't you use your platform and stand up for the minority instead acting like an Asshole. There are people that say that how Sherry broke through is amazing and I hear that some actually look up to her, is this how you want people to see you? Just because you broke through doesn't mean you can act like the rest of the assholes. Stand up for Female Gamers, stand up for gamers of color, and stand up for gay gamers because the few of us that are actually trying to defend ourselves while gaming is starting to wear us down and as much as it would kill me, I would hate to give up online gaming in general because of the pettiness of others.

The Internet can be a great place but then it can also be a terrible place but it is up to us as gamers to unite as one and make it a place for everyone. Whether you're a nerd or A gamer that goes hard in the paint for call of duty and only call of duty. We should try to live by the United we Stand, Divided we fall motto instead of "hate on people that aren't male or straight or white" because white is never right.

But back to Sherry, so now Sherry has removed the photo, made her Instagram profile private, and is continuing to block people that tells her that her actions were wrong. But we need to continue to peruse it because then she will get the message that what she did was not okay, it was wrong for her to do and say what she said and we need to show her that we will not stand for this. Her twitter handle is @sherryjenix

Thursday, August 23, 2012


So apparently In the comic book world, breaking up long courtships and relationships that comic book fans know and love is what's hot in the streets. First was Black Panther and Storm (DAMN YOU MARVEL, DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!!!!!!) and now the second couple to come to an end is the ever so long courtship between Clark Kent (Superman) and Lois Lane. But I did not care about this but apparently it looks like Superman is upgrading in his choice of women *Insert Beyonce's Upgrade You* because Entertainment Weekly has revealed the latest cover for the 12th issue of DC's New 52 Justice League and it looks like There is a new couple in Superman and............. *Drum roll* WONDER WOMAN!!!!!!! *insert 70's theme for wonder woman*

Now I know that there have been some SuperWonder Encounters in the past but it looks like this is going to be permanent and apparently this relationship is going to have an affect on the other heroes in the DCU but if I was a hero in the DCU why would I care about this?  Also as much as a strong Woman Firgure that Wonder Woman is, to go from dating Steve Trevor to now gettin smashed by Superman is kinda suspect plus Superman gettin in between those two is crazy but I guess when you're the man of steel you can do whatever the fuck you want.  But also this relationship would be cool because these two can actually be themselves instead of hiding their true identities so I'm also excited about it.

Justice League #12 is going to be on Sale next week so be on the look out for that

State of Decay Announced by Undead Labs

Undead Labs has announced State of Decay, an open world zombie game that “develops in real-time, shaped by your actions.” According to the game’s official site, State of Decay is a third-person action game set in the aftermath of the zombie apocalypse.
“You choose where to make your stand, designing and fortifying your home base, performing daring raids for food and ammunition, and rescuing other playable survivors with unique talents,” Undead Labs explains. “The open, sandbox world develops in real-time, shaped by your actions, dynamically generating content based on your choices and the ever-increasing zombie threat.”

State of Decay was originally announced as Class3 back in 2011, described at the time as an "open world zombie-survival game" where choice is a major part of the gameplay. According to a blog post from Undead Labs founder Jeff Strain, the team began work on the game in summer 2010. “Two years have passed. It sometimes feels like forever, but the truth is that’s not a large amount of time in game development years,” Strain wrote. “For those of you who’ve stuck with us from the beginning -- when those two years seemed like forever -- today is for you.”
Despite beginning development as an Xbox Live exclusive, State of Decay is now in development for both Xbox Live and PC. A release date has not yet been announced

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Masashi Kishimoto You Son Of A Bitch

Okay so I just got done reading the latest issue of the Naruto Manga and all I can say is this. MASASHI KISHIMOTO YOU SON OF A BITCH I LOVE YOU YET HATE YOU AT THE SAME TIME. This dude is the master of creating cliffhangers in these Issues I mean to leave us hanging with a final image like that is just Epic in itself. As of right now I am saying that Naruto is the Greatest Anime/Manga Series Of All Time, right next to the Dragonball Z Universe and Inuyasha. When it comes to writing stories and leaving the fans hanging and asking for more these guys know how to do it.


Okay so in this issue Naruto is going full on Rambo style towards Tobi (Masked Man) While Kakashi sensei is still hit with the fact that Tobi could be His old teammate Obito Uchiha. Guy Sensei on the other hand is trying to snap Kakashi out of his Lil depression state because Naruto needs their help still. Kakashi snaps out of it and is ready for another round to fight so Tobi is proceeding to throw out stakes and shurikens via Kamui and as Killer Bee (the Eight tailed Jinchuriki) is giving Naruto cover Kakashi uses the remaining Chakra he has left to use Kamui to make the shadow clone that Naruto used to distract Tobi vanish but the Rasengan that the clone using stay. Thus, making Tobi use his Space Time Ninjutsu to "go through" the Bijuudama (Bijuu bomb) but when he uses the technique it renders him helpless for 5 minutes and it took Naruto less than that to reach him with the Rasengan and SMASHING the mask and asking "WHO ARE YOU!?" As the issue ended.


Okay my prediction is still the same as last week. I believe Tobi is Obito, they showed more evidence that it's Obito behind the mask because when he activated his Mangekyo Sharingan in his Right eye it was the same as Kakashi's left eye. If that's not enough proof that Tobi is Obito Uchiha idk what is because every Uchiha has there own Signature Mangekyo Sharingan from birth they just have to unlock it and activate it at a certain point. But I really can't wait for next weeks issue to come out cause I really do hope and pray to Sephiroth that Tobi is Obito Uchiha

Shout outs

Shout out to Nerdgasm Noire Network, BCCO'S Studios, character select, Operation Cubicle, The Black Guy Who Tips, The Spawn Point Blog, The ArmbarCast, 8 Bit Animal and SHOUT OUT TO THE CHATROOM

That's all the time I have for now be sure to comment, follow, share, like, plus 1, and donate if you can.

This is the Black Chivalrous Nerd Signing off.

Monday, August 20, 2012

WWE '13 Roster Reveal Video

Watch "The complete WWE '13 roster revealed! (Official)" on YouTube

Now I for one am excited yet skeptical about this... I'm excited because its the return of the Attitude era... I'm skeptical because of one thing... PREDATOR TECHNOLOGY.... That is all

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Epic Tea Time with Alan Rickman (Official HD Version)

omg even in Slow Motion Allen Rickman Makes me wanna shit myself while pissing on myself at the same time... check out this video of Allen Rickman making Tea in Slow Motion plus a table flipping  

This video is part of artist David Michalek's Portraits in Dramatic Time film series. Each video features a "glacially paced performance" of an actor, aided by ultra-high speed, high-definition cameras. Each performance took a mere 10-15 seconds to shoot, but was then stretched out over several minutes.
By pairing Rickman's performance with the Inception piece "Mind Heist," Michalek has created the impression that Rickman is in Inception's top-level dream, making tea while other characters are off having adventures in dreams within dreams within dreams. Rickman manages to make his tea stirring — and its aftermath — as intense as anything that happens in those lower dreams.

WWE '13 Roster List Confirmed

Hey guys here's the list of the confirmed roster for WWE '13 

WWE '13 roster

> Current roster:
Alberto Del Rio
The Big Show
Booker T
Brock Lesnar
Brodus Clay
Chris Jericho
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Damien Sandow (DLC)
Daniel Bryan
David Otunga
Dolph Ziggler
The Great Khali
Heath Slater
Jack Swagger
Jinder Mahal
John Cena (Current and Thuganomics)
John Laurinaitis
Justin Gabriel
Kevin Nash
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
The Miz
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
The Rock
Santino Marella
Sin Cara
Ted DiBiase
Triple H
The Undertaker
Wade Barrett
Zack Ryder

Alicia Fox
Beth Phoenix
Brie Bella
Eve Torres
Kelly Kelly
Nikki Bella

>Attitude Era:
Steve Austin
Big Bossman
Billy Gunn
Bret Hart
Bradshaw (Acolytes)
British Bulldog
Cactus Jack
Chris Jericho (Y2J)
Dude Love
Eddie Guerrero
Faarooq (Acolytes)
Hunter Hearst Helmsley (pre-DX)
Ken Shamrock
Mark Henry (Nation of Domination)
Mike Tyson
Mr. McMahon
"The Big Show" Paul Wight
Road Dogg
Road Warrior Animal
Road Warrior Hawk
The Rock
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels (DX)
Stephanie McMahon
Triple H (DX)
Trish Stratus

I'm excited cause i can play as the Nation of Domination and they have all of the members except for D'Lo and that's only because he's still in TNA (PLEASE D'LO JUST LEAVE THAT COMPANY).  Oh and Ken Shamrock is in this game too?  Oh Hell Yea *Steve Austin Voice*

The One thing I worry about is the bugginess of this game, I'm worried that the WWE online Community is going to be buggy as hell and not connect.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Metal Gear Rising Details Featuring Gameplay

Kojima Producer Yuji Korekado explains Raidens transformation and why PlatinumGames is the developer for the job.  Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance comes out February 2013 and it is another game I'm anxiously Waiting on:

Metal Gear Rising Details - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Xbox 360) - IGN Video

Throwback Nerd Out: Mega Man X Collection

Today marks the beginning of a new segment called the "Retro Nerd Moment of the week" and the topic of discussion is Mega Man X Collection. I for one am excited that I found this and I found it for the Playstation 2 on for 22 bucks. The game features the first six mega man x games before they went to the ps2 with it and all I can say is as I play the first six X games I feel like a little kid again with the look of the game, the soundtrack and the noise that would happen when you would hold down the fire button to power up your arm cannon. Here's the back story about the X series courtesy of Wikipedia. 

Mega Man X, commonly known as "X", was created by Dr. Thomas Light an unknown number of years after the Mega Man series.

Unlike the original Mega Man, X was a new type of robot with the ability to make his own decisions. After completing X, Light realized that there was a possibility X might choose to turn against humankind. He also feared that even if X chose a beneficent path in life with regard to human welfare, people would inexorably be unable to accept him, and that X would be viewed as a technological anomaly at best and an abomination at worst. Both would result in X's rejection as the cogent thinking machine Light originally intended him to be. Fearing that his life's work would be destroyed by fearful human beings, Light sealed X away in a diagnostic capsule for over 30 years of testing to make sure he would not choose an evil path in life.

Though what happened to him during these years is not specifically mentioned, it is assumed that Dr. Light died and left his diagnostic experiments unfinished. X's capsule was eventually uncovered by an archaeologist named Dr. Cain almost 100 years after X's creation. With X's help, Cain created a legion of new robots that replicated X's free will; these robots were called "Reploids" (Repliroids in Japan). For a time, everything seemed calm and peaceful.

However, a virus that caused Reploids to turn against humans (later discovered to be originated by Dr. Wily implanted in Zero and transferred to Sigma) began to spread. This was because X's circuitry was duplicated imperfectly.  These Reploids were dubbed "Mavericks" (Irregulars in Japan), and a force called the Maverick Hunters (Irregular Hunters) was formed to combat them. The Maverick Hunters were originally led by Sigma until he, too, became a Maverick. Because of his betrayal and eventual declaration of war against the humans, X took it upon himself to join the Maverick Hunters and current leader Zero, another powerful robot (created by the evil Dr. Wily), on a mission to save Earth from Sigma.  Throughout the series, X and Zero fight against Sigma and his Maverick followers to stop their many diabolical plots to destroy the human race.

The Reason why for the creation of the Mega Man X Series is because Capcom wanted to create a newer, edgier cooler image for Mega Man and when they came out with Mega Man X for the SNES, they blew it out of the water.


Mega Man X plays similarly to its predecessor series Mega Man, but with various new features: X has the ability to dash along the ground at any time, cling to walls and Wall Jump, and dash and jump at the same time, increasing his speed in the air. This all gives X more mobility than his Classic counterpart; these modifications make it easier to go through the majority of the game without using any other gun than the default, which is different from previous Mega Man games where players were more inclined to rely on weapons won in previous fights (Like Metal Man's infamous Metal Blades) against boss characters in previously conquered stages.

X is also able to locate capsules that permanently upgrade a part of his armor, such as his helmet, boots, chestplate, or arm cannon. An upgrade common to each game is the ability for X to charge weapons earned from bosses, which gives them an enhanced secondary fire mode. In later games, there are multiple armor types available that can either be mixed and matched, or completed for additional armor set bonuses.
In X3, Zero (the leader of the Maverick Hunters in the first Mega Man X) is a playable character from the beginning. In the second game, Zero is armed with a beam saber in addition to the traditional "buster" gun, but relies on his saber almost exclusively starting in X4. In X5, both X and Zero gained the ability to duck; an ability previously unavailable. In X6, there is a new rescue system where the player must rescue reploids.

All in all i love this series and Shout out to The 8 Bit Animal for letting me know about this collection disc and the fact that i put it down  so i could post this blog post is definitely killin me so I'm going to Teleport (Mega Man X Style) back to HQ and continue to play this childhood favorite of mine. I believe that the Mega Man X series is one of the greatest Series of All Time and the fact that Capcom are acting like a bunch of Scared Little Bitches and don't want to Release a new Mega Man X Game is fucking bullshit but we're not going to go there with Capcom.

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  Mega Man X:

Mega Man X 2:

Mega Man X 3:

Mega Man X 4 Featuring Zero:

Mega Man X 5

Mega Man X 6:


Check out those links and support those shows and check out those shows and tell them that the Black Chivalrous Nerd Sent you

This is the Black Chivalrous Nerd Signing off *Teleports like Mega Man X out of the room*