Tuesday, December 4, 2012

WWE '13 Review

Okay I know this is late as all hell and I'm sorry for that but here it is.

First off Let me just say that this game truly does bring back the nostalgia of the Attitutde Era with the their Attitude Era Mode. Attitude Era Mode was this years story mode instead of the Road to wrestlemania and what they did was start from the summer slam when Bret and undertaker were fighting and Shawn was the guest referee and Shawn "screwed" undertaker. Then after that it continues on to when DX began, the stone cold era, then the brothers of destruction, mankind, the rock, and there are other memorable things that happen.

The commentary during the Attitude Era Mode is JR and The King which is a plus, You have Paul Heyman who was the writer for this game mode so that's another plus for the game. Another thing was that the cinema cut scenes was actual footage from that time and you had narration to get you ready for the next match. The one thing I didn't like was the Brothers Of Destruction story because you only controlled either one about 35% of the time. If I'm playing a story about the BOD then I expect to play as either Kane or Undertaker, Not Mankind, Not Stone Cold not any other wwe wrestlers.

But overall I really enjoyed this Game Mode but now on to the other features of the game. The WWE Universe is almost as good as last year. One of the few things I had against it was that it really wasn't as interactive as they said it was. One example is that when freely customizing a match you can't make it a title match :( I'm not amused by that. The other thing I don't like is that they say that there are some story lines within the WWE Universe mode where injuries happen, or rather they should. I've played this mode multiple times and have twisted John Cena in more knots than a sailor or Boy Scout know and have shattered every bone in his body and he ain't injured.

So I decided to try it on the rest of the roster that he thinks he's a better wrestler than most of them *Side Eye* but anyway, the same thing happened... So that turned to be false advertisement so that was another minus for the game. The cut scenes are great and awesome and they also added a few more cut scenes and that was cool so there's another plus. The other downside was that Michael Cole was doing commentary with Jerry "The King" Lawler but I would've preferred have JR for universe mode but anyway. You can create your own show and make your own roster and add which titles you want on the show just as well.

Another feature that I like is the create feature which Includes the create a wrestler mode, create an entrance, create a finisher, create an arena, create a title, create a storyline. All of that is up and running and all is awesome. I'm still upset with the create a Finisher because I want to create submission hold finishers. I seriously want to create the Chikara Special and put a lot of people in that hold so make it happen THQ.

the online feature hasn't been buggy as of yet so right now I'm all about the wwe online community in this game, I've downloaded a few characters and I enjoy it very much so. The graphics for thesis so clear and crisp, there are still some bugs and warps here and there but that's nothing new. One incident was when I was in a TLC match against Rey Mysterio and I suplexed him from the top of the ladder to the outside onto a table and as he crashed through the table, his lower body went down but his upper body stayed up where the table use to be.

But I digress, the roster is jam packed with every one from the current roster even though there are a few superstars that still got fired before the game came out but still it's great to see them on here. Even though I love some of he guys on the roster there was one thing that caught my attention and it has had my attention the longest. WHY ISN'T THE USO'S AND TAMINA SNUKA NOT IN THIS GAME? I mean come on I want the USO'S in this game please? If you can have their father in it why not the sons? Who cares about Gangrel or Nash anymore? Those spot should've been used for the Uso's. and another one is sable because if you are going to have an attitude era resurrection mode why not have Sable? Come on now.

But overall I believe that this game gets a 8.95 out of 10 and I highly recommend it for anyone that loves pro wrestling games. Oh and btw? Predator Technology didn't fuck this game up like last year. This game also has a feature called OMG! Where in certain areas in a match, you can perform a finisher that would make Joey Styles scream, "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" And I'm talking about tackling an opponent through the barricade, finishers through tables, and if you have two super heavyweights you can perform the superplex heard around the world and break the ring.

Alright guys that's all the time for now so don't forget to check it out, play it and love it.

Shout out to the CHATROOM And the shows that come out from the people within the CHATROOM.

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