Monday, July 30, 2012

I call Bullshit on Marvel

So during Comic Con, Marvel announced the new movies that are either filming now, about to start filming, or in post production. The movies are Iron Man 3, Captain America 2 (hopefully featuring Falcon), Thor 2, Ant Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy. When the Co-President of Marvel Was asked by MTV about the potential of a black panther movie this is what he said:

"He has a lot of the same characteristics of a Captain America: great character, good values... But it's a little more difficult, maybe, creating [a world like Wakanda]. It's always easier basing it here. For instance, 'Iron Man 3' is rooted right here in Los Angeles and New York. When you bring in other worlds, you're always faced with those difficulties."

So Making Asgard with the Rainbow Bridge for Thor is easy, making a movie about guardians in space that feature a fuckin raccoon (where most people prolly know him from a video game) is easy. But when it comes to doing a movie for The First Black Mainstream Superhero, and King of an African Country that is far more Advanced than America is hard?

So if Wakanda Was what Most Americans believe is which is savage would it be better for Marvel to do the film? Or is it because Marvel and the rest of white Hollywood is scared to do it because there are NO MAJOR WHITE LEADS IN BLACK PANTHER. Is it because the Black Panther Movie would mostly be Black People that they don't know how to pitch it? As someone who has been dying for an Actual Black Panther movie I feel disrespected from Marvel. You assholes decided to do a movie featuring a fucking raccoon over T'Challa? You decided to do a movie of a super hero that beats his woman over T'Challa? FUCK YOU MARVEL

Friday, July 27, 2012

Asura's Wrath Review

Okay you guys i promised a review of this game and here is my review of Asura's Wrath.  First for those who don't know about the story of it here's a quick over view of the story of Asura's Wrath as said on The IGN Website.  Now here's my opinion of the game. This game is a Japanese Interactive Anime Series that can be played on the 360 or PS3, I'm not kidding when I say that because there are 18+ Episodes in which you play through and they treat it like an Anime series because after you finish an episode they give a preview of the next "episode" that you have to play through and then there are DLC episodes included.  This game is made by the team of Capcom and Cyber Connect 2 so if you are a fan of either or both companies than you know this game should be good and it actually is a fun, over the top, funny, and addicting adventure/fighting/rail shooter Game.  The Gameplay and feel is that of a Dragonball Z Style type game in which there are moments in the game where Asura just Screams and powers up like Gohan when he was fighting Cell or Goku when he was fighting Frieza.  In this game Asura has two bars, one of them is his health bar and the other one is his Burst Bar in which when you fill that by fighting, and when the burst bar gets full, Asura goes into Berserker Mode.  Also there are cinematic scenes that prompt the player to press a button to raise Asura's Burst Bar.  The Story within Asura's Wrath is like that of God of War and what I mean by that is that Asura is betrayed by his fellow Gods, his wife is murdered, his daughter is kidnapped and Asura himself is banished and sent to Hell but he get's out and goes on to Kick some Deity Ass.  The Graphics on this game is marvelous, gorgeous, and kind of reminds me of Street Fighter IV.


Some of the things i do not like about this game is that there is no change in difficulty when facing Boss's.  It doesn't matter whether you are playing on Easy or Hard there are going to be moments where a vein or two will be popping out of your forehead because of Anger with the indifference between difficulties.  Another Thing i do not like is the fact that this game in a way becomes repetitive in gameplay and there are moments where i felt like i was going through the motions with the game.  Dislike Number 3 is that there are certain moments of the game where because of certain fights, Asura Loses his arms and then in the next episode he has regained his arms.  Where did he get new arms?  Who gave him new arms? Dislike Number 4 is that there is no Customization with this game.  I for one believe that there should be customization for games such as this

And Now for the Review of the DLC:

This DLC is Crazy, and full of Dragon Punches, Hadukens, Hurricane Kicks, and it is full of Wrath and Rage.  If you don't get those clues let me just come out with it. YOU FIGHT RYU/ EVIL RYU AND THEN YOU FIGHT AKUMA/ONI ON THE MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If you didn't have any reason to get this game get it for that reason.  The first time you fight Ryu and Akuma it is in the style of Super Street Fighter IV and then the second fight is in the style of Asura's Wrath.  Then when both Ryu and Akuma transform into their second forms ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!


Over all I enjoy this game, it is a short game as i beat it in two days (that's including the DLC just as well), it was repetitive at moments but i still enjoyed it very much but the replay value of this game is very low.  I bought it at Gamestop for 35 Bucks used and it's 40 Bucks brand new so i would say if you have Gamefly then go get this game.  Even though i bought it, if i had gamefly i would prefer to rent it but i give this game a 8.5 out of 10 and I give it a Rent It Rating just as well

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Confirmations as of right now

As said on the Saiyan Island Website and The recent Shonen Jump Magazine that the Third Raikage's Right Hand man and master of black lightning Darui is going to be a playable character in the upcoming Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 which is being created by CyberConnect2 and Bandai and this will be their Fourth installment into the Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm Series. It is also confirmed from The Shonen Jump magazine that other characters have been confirmed as of right now and the characters are also Naruto, Killer Bee and Sasuke Uchiha. Another confirmation is the introduction of mid combo awakenings which means that while doing a combo you can perform an awakening and unleash even more damage. One example of this is say you're playing as Naruto and you're fighting Sasuke, while doing a combo you can transform into Naruto's nine tail chakra controlled form and put more of a beating onto Sasuke. That is all the news I have for Naruto except that it's coming out in the springtime of 2013. Also from looking at videos on YouTube, they are going back to the story mode of Ninja Storm 2 instead of Generations. Stay tuned to this blog for more Naruto game news.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

6 New Games

Hey guys I just picked up 6 new games for the 360. Dragons dogma, asura's wrath, devil may cry hd collection, metal gear solid HD collection, Mass Effect 3 and The Witcher 2. I will be playing all 6 of those games and then I will be posting my opinions of the games onto here and on my tumblr so stay tuned. Also I will give my review for Dungeon Fighter LIVE for the 360 so just bear with me for a few. This black chivalrous nerd will be posting so stay tuned oh and before I forget, SHOUT OUT TO THE CHATROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Top 5 Games That Have Lost Their Luster Throughout the Years

Top 5 Video Game Series that have lost their luster

1. Ninja Gaiden series: due to the length of the games and the fact that no matter the
difficulty, there's a huge possibility that you're going to get your ass handed to you.  I use to be excited for the series especially for Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden 2, but after that I was feeling like "eh" when I played the third one.  Because of how action packed, fast paced, multi weapon usage and crazy finishing combos that NG2 had and the fact that NG3 took some of that away and the Multi Player isn't all it's cracked up to be I feel like the NG series has lost points in the eyes of this gamer

2. Fable Series: When the first Fable came out I fell in love.  I fell in love with the story, the open world option you had, the oppurtunity to make the character either ultimately good or evil, you could have someone who was either a Mage, a warrior, or an archer or all three if you want and you could level each trait separately... The one thing I didn't like was the fact that your character was a mute that could only grunt, laugh, and the fact that the story was short like when you beat the main boss? The game just ends, there's no oppurtunity to continue on afterwards it just ends and that's not cool.  Then Fable 2 came out and they kicked it up a notch by keeping and even added a dog to help you out in your journey,  you could get married, you could do odd jobs in town to get money when you wanted some extra spending dough, you could have kids and even own businesses and rent out houses and receive the income of those places and you could still level traits up separately.  The down side? The story was WAY TOO LONG, the multiplayer aspect of the game was rocky, the gargoyles you had to hunt was annoying as hell and you cant find them no matter what,  And your character was still a mute.  But either way I had fun playing this game.  Then Fable 3 came out and you are the son or daughter of the hero of Fable 2 which I thought was cool that the continuity was still going in,  you could still get married multiple times, have kids, do odd jobs in town for money, own houses and businesses and they even added full on weapon customization to the sword and gun so whatever you did in the game affected your weapon in appearance in every way possible, and whether you chose to be ultimately good or evil you got these sick ass wings... The downside? The main story was short, instead of hunting annoying gargoyles you were hunting for gnomes, the objective trail always faded in and out, the full on weapon customization, the fact that they combined all of the separate experience slots and dumped them into just one thing called guild seals where you had to collect a certain amount of guild seals to unlock chests, the fact that you couldn't do anything like get married, fall in love, have kids, change the color of you clothes or hair, become a land lord or entrepreneur, or anything fun unless you opened those chests in the Road To Rule stage that they used where you use those guild seals that you collect, and the fact that multiplayer kept disconnecting people, oh and the fact that whether you played as a guy or woman? Your character was a whiny little punk. Overall this game has repayable value but this was a "eh! I'll get this but idk if imma like it like I did in the past" type of purchase.  Which brings me to the upcoming addition to the Fable Series that's making me give up hope for this failing series.  Fable 4 that is EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE KINECT.... REALLY LIONHEAD? It looks like you're obviously trying to lose money for this series that had the potential to be one of the greatest gaming series for the X-Box... Between this and that Fable Heroes game that came out on XBLA with the characters as wooden puppets (which I thought was stupid).  Plus the fact that the dude in charge of LIONHEAD said that he was tired of making controller based games and wanting fable 3 to be kinect only is total bullshit... Overall because of direction and the way they've fucked up certain aspects of the game this game series has lost its once amazing excitement it had and is now an "eh!" type of game series

3. The Kingdom Hearts Series: Now when I heard that Square Enix and Disney was going to join forces to make a video game I was definitely skeptical about it.  But then I played it and fell in love with it, I played KH 1 about 50 times since it came out in 2003 and I've logged a total of OVER 200 hours onto it. Kingdom Hearts is an awesome game especially because it's a combo of Final Fantasy characters and some Disney characters, oh and the fact some of the original voice actors for the Disney characters are voicing their characters in this game the final fantasy characters actually talk and have voices and you can fight Sephiroth in the Olympia stage (Spoiler Alert!!!). Then KH 2 came out and they kicked it up a notch and made the game even crazier than the first one.  Between the different drive forms you could have, the fact that you could wield two keyblades, the cut scenes, the drive moments (moments where if you hit triangle during a battle you could go into a certain move that would help during the fight), the Epic battle between sora and Sephiroth, Sora vs. 1000 heartless without the help of goofy or Donald.  The downside of this series? The protagonist Sora is just like any other main protagonist of any Final fantasy game and that is that he's a whiny bitch.  He's always complaining about how he wants and needs to find Kairi and Riku so they can get back home and be one big happy family again and how goofy and Donald are constantly on the search for the king, or Mickey mouse, so they can go home.  Another downside is the fact that if you want a clear understanding of this game and the characters? You need to have a PS2, a PSP, a game boy advance, a Nintendo DS or DSi, a Nintendo 3ds and I think that's it.  PLUS!!!! THE STORY IS CONFUSING AS HELL!!!! When the game first came out it was about Sora trying to reunite with Riku and Kairi so they can go home and that's cool, but then it's a to be continued story and the game continues with Kingdom Hearts: Chains of Memories that came out for the GB Advanced and it came out AFTER Kingdom Hearts 2 but in story wise it happened between KH1 and KH2. KH: Chain of Memories is where you enter this crazy house where you ORIGINALLY MEET ORGANIZATION 13 AND NAMINÉ and they fuck with your memory and (Spoiler Alert) NaminĂ© helps you regain your memory in the end.  Now the game has so many open gaps and unanswered questions that this game series deserves to be in the "eh!" list of games that have lost their luster.

4. Mortal Kombat: As much as it kills me to say this but this game series has without a shadow of a doubt, Lost ALL of its glorious luster it once held.  Between the fact that it went downhill after MK 3 Ultimate, that crappy MK 4, the MK Annihilation movie that tanked, the MK spin off games for Sub Zero, Jax, Liu Kang and Kung Lao, the MK games that came out for the PS 2 that was horrible, especially with the fact that they killed off Liu Kang when they started those games which by the way? I THOUGHT WAS UDDER AND COMPLETE BULLSHIT!!!!! Then they came out with MK VS. DC Universe which was basically a giant F U to all The loyal and dedicated Mortal Kombat Fans because the fact that DC wanted to be bitches and didn't want their guys to be destroyed by Mortal Kombat, the fact  that the Fatalities weren't really fatalities just watered down versions cause DC didn't want Superman to be burnt to death by scorpions famous fatality or be bitten in half by Liu Kang as he turns into a giant dragon. Anyway, Mortal Kombat tried to make a comeback last year with the reboot that had a storyline that combined MK 1,2 and 3 and turned it into this one big giant story which I thought was cool plus the fact that the Fatalities were actual fatalities, the game even got the Game of the year because it was so good but because of the past disappointments with the series not that many people continued to play it and thus this series has fallen to the way side

5. Sonic:  Now this one DEFINITELY hit close to home as I am a die hard Sonic fan.  My ring tone is the theme of the act 1 mini boss from Sonic 3, my X Box Gamertag when I started playing X Box Live was LIL SONIC88, my YouTube channel is LILSONIC88, I have the DVD collection, I read sonic comics and I play the games just as well, my love for chili dogs started in the 90's cause I saw Sonic chow down on them in his cartoon shows.  But anyway enough about my love for the fastest hedgehog in the universe,  Sonic has lost luster in the video game world as he once a contender against Mario to be the number video game character of all time which, Sorry L. Joy Williams, I believe sonic is better than Mario.  But anyway the sonic games lost luster after Sonic CD came out for the sega Saturn.  Once sega came out with the dreamcast and put sonic into the realm where the camera was behind him and you can control the camera? Sonic Adventures for the Dreamcast lost cred because sega tried to compete with Mario 64 and failed, then they started shilling sonic out for other crazy games like sonic heroes, sonic and sega superstar racing, sonic tennis (or whatever it's called), SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG which btw? Had a sick ass intro song and that was it.  Then sonic showed how much of Mario's bitch he was by being in the Super Smash Bros. on the wii, then there is the ever so painful Sonic and Mario Olympic Series.  Let's not forget the awful Sonic Unleashed where sega promised to take sonic back the the 2D realm and instead they give us werewolf sonic, Sonic Colors for the wii, sonic and his quest with the ring of the black knight or whatever it's called for the wii, the endless failures of sonic games for the gameboy advance and DS and DSi.  But hold on cause then Sega comes out with Sonic Generations which featured the chance for long time sonic fans to relive the good ole days with sonic in the 2D realm and even had the modern day sonic in the 2D realm.  The game took you on a journey as you go through stages that started from Sonic 1 to the horrible sonic games of today.  Downside? THERE WERE NO STAGES FROM SONIC 3 or SONIC SPINBALL!!!! WTF SEGA!? but ANYWAY then the sega team came up with a brilliant idea which is Sonic 4 that is coming out in episodes for the PSN and XBLA.  It's basically a Sonic game in the style of the classic sonic games but with the modern day sonic graphics and the plus side? NO CAMERA CONTROL!!!! Downside? It's takes sonic a while to get to Sonic Speed but I'm okay with that.  Overall despite the misuse of my favorite video game character of all time I still believe Sonic Is #1 but I admit that he has lost luster and has fallen into the "eh!" category because of his misuse throughout the years but I believe Sonic can rise from this and become the ultimate rival against that Small impotent italian plumber who saves a stupid idiotic princess that continues to be kidnapped