Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Open Letter to Bill Cosby

Dear Mr. Cosby,

        I'm writing this open letter because I got some things that I would like to say to you.  First of all, growing up in suburban Media PA which is right outside of Philly,  you were an inspiration to me as an entertainer and performer.  Growing up, my favorite comedy special was your special "All by Himself" where you were talking about chocolate cake, and little Jeffery who was 4 years old.  That was my favorite comedy special of all time and I would listen to your recorded comedy specials on cd and even on Spotify CONSTANTLY  because no matter how many times I heard it, I would be dying laughing and be in tears.
     Now those tears of joy and laughter have turned into tears of sadness and sorrow.  This past year, the curtain has been pulled back and now we see you for the monster that you are.  My brain has questions, but the biggest one I have for you is why? Why do the horrible things that you have been doing to these women? Why commit such horrible acts? Why is your wife still with after all of these horrific and terrible acts? 
       When I was little, my dream was to one day share the stage or be in a movie or TV show alongside you.  I wanted to be like you, I even did a 3rd grade book report project where i dressed up like you, sweater and a box of jello pudding in hand and all.  Now I'm disgusted that I was blinded by your comedic talents to see who you really were.  Now I'm 27 years old and you're still an inspiration to me but in a different way.  Your actions that are now coming to light have inspired me to not be like you in anyway possible.
       My thoughts are with the brave women that have stood up and called you out.  And I hope you get the most fitting punishment possible.

    Denzel Thomas, a former fan of yours

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