Tuesday, November 25, 2014

No Justice, No Peace and Enough is Enough

I'm going to say this and you can take it how you want to and you can either unfriend me or not but I'm going to say what I have on my mind. Now while I don't believe that burning down the town is right, I believe it's just their last resort after dealing with 3 months worth of bs in their town. A young black man was murdered even though his HANDS WERE UP... Last I checked, I thought the rule was Hands up, Don't Shoot or does that only matter to white lives? Now to some people, Mike Brown was deemed a Criminal because they think he robbed a store before he was shot because of a video tape, which I believe isn't clear enough, but regardless because once again, The young man's hands were up which means I surrender am I right? How many more young black kings must we lose before enough is enough? Where is the breaking point?
Also, This weekend have been filled with more murders courtesy of Cops shooting young black men. A 26 year old young man who was UNARMED was gunned down this weekend by a cop while the young man was in a staircase in Brooklyn. Oh how about the 12 year old, Yes a 12 year old boy was shot dead because he had a BB Gun, a BB Gun people. The child even told the cops that it was a BB Gun and they still shot him dead.
After everything that is happening, some of you can understand why I'm scared for my life as well as the lives of my family and friends as well. I have cousins the same ages as Trayvon and Mike and everyday I am scared that they might suffer the same fate as Trayvon or Mike. When I say that I'm scared for my own life and my non white friends say stuff like "You're the whitest black man I know", quite frankly, I and police don't give a shit about if I'm not like other Black people, they see a black man walking. Say I was omw to an audition or rehearsal for a show and a cop stops me because in his eyes I look suspicious, do you think he's going to be fair with me because I grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood? No, chances are that he will treat me like everyother black man in the street and it won't end well for me.
So if you hear me say that I'm scared for my life, don't tell me that I don't have nothing to worry about because I'm not like the others. I've been profiled before and I know for a fact that it might happen again and I'm Scared for my life that that might be the last time.
My prayers are with Mike Brown's family, Ferguson, My family, as well as every black family in America who go through everyday scared for the inevitable.
Change is needed because I'm tired of feeling like it's Open Season and we're the targets

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Hey my fellow Blerds and Blerdettes it's your friendly neighborhood Black Chivalrous Nerd Denzel Lamar once again and do i have news for you. Marvel hosted an event at Disney’s El Capitan Theater in Hollywood today where they were talking about Phase 3 of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) which starts with Avengers 2: Age of Ultron which is followed by Ant-Man starring Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas that comes out in 2015. After those two movies come out in 2015 the following movies are set to come out:
 May 6: Captain America 3

 November 4: Doctor Strange
 May 5: Guardians of the Galaxy 2

 July 28: Thor: Ragnarok

 November 3: Black Panther
 May 4: The Avengers: Infinity War, Part One

 July 6: Captain Marvel

 November 2: Inhumans
 May 3: The Avengers: Infinity War, Part Two
Now while I'm excited for all of these movies, the one movie I and other fans of this hero is ultimately excited for is the one that comes out on November 3rd, 2017. The movie I'm talking about is Black Panther.
For years fans of the Black Panther have been crying and screaming and begging Marvel to make a movie for this awesome Character. Fans have been predicting on if Marvel did a Black Panther movie, who would portray the role of the King of Wakanda and we've heard names like Denzel Washington, Jamie Foxx, Wesley Snipes (He wanted to portray Black Panther WAY before he did the Blade Movies), Idris Elba, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Peter Mensah and even Djimon Hounsou (He was Black Panther in the short lived Animated Series) was predicted to be T'Challa. Now as awesome and impressive as those names are, the man who will be representing Wakanda in Movie form is none other than Chadwick Boseman
Yes Chadwick Boseman, the man who has portrayed James Brown and Jackie Robinson will be portraying the King of Wakanda in the upcoming Black Panther movie in November of 2017 and I can't wait. Now with this news breaking, fans have now been wondering and guessing on who would be his supporting cast and we don't know but a lot of fans have been saying that if Princess Shuri is in this movie that Lupita would be perfect for that role.
Now the image above is only a prediction but I can actually see Lupita as Princess Shuri, not to mention that she would also be awesome as the Black Panther when that time comes. Now there are some people that believe that she would be the perfect Storm and I totally agree but I honestly see her as Shuri before she becomes Storm. The reason I say that is because she's already doing a Disney movie with Star Wars Episode 7 and the upcoming Jungle Book movie, so I could see her staying within the Disney family and going to be in the Black Panther Movie.
Also I think Djimon Hounsou would be great as T'Chaka, Father of T'Challa or as T'Challa's Uncle who was the Black Panther before T'Challa. The reason why I say Djimon should be casted is because he was T'Challa in the Animated Motion Series that came out a while back, even though BET failed to make it work, but I believe that it would be great to see him in this movie as a way of passing the throne and Wakanda to Chadwick Boseman.
I'm EXTREMELY excited for this project along with every other fan of this Hero. This is the movie that we've all been waiting for because this is the very first black superhero in the history of mainstream comics plus it's a Black Super Hero who is King of a country in Africa that's so advanced technology wise and intelligent wise that they had blu-ray DVD's, Smartphones and the cure for every disease in the world while everyone else in the world was wearing tye dye shirts and going to Woodstock and I think I speak for all of the fans of Black Panther and Wakanda when I say Thank You Marvel.
Now the real question is, are you ready for The Black Panther? Because, to quote Djimon Hounsou in the Black Panther Animated series, "THE BLACK PANTHER IS READY FOR YOU!!!!!!"
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch the Black Panther Motion Movie or listen to the theme of that show or just do those two while reading Black Panther Graphic Novels lol. Alright guys that's all the time I have for today but be sure to check out the other posts on this blog. Until next time my lovely Blerd and Blerdettes, this is the Black Chivalrous Nerd Denzel Lamar saying Love Peace and Bacon Grease Smoke Bombs out while Chanting "BLACK PANTHER, BLACK PANTHER"

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

More Comic Book Shows Please

Hey everyone how's it going? It's the Black Chivalrous Nerd Denzel Lamar coming to you once again with another blog post and this one is a good one.  Now as everyone knows, comic books are taking over in a big bad way and we are all excited because this is something that every nerd has been waiting for since they've been little nerds and nerdettes.  We have Gotham on Fox, The Walking Dead coming back on AMC, Arrow and the Flash on CW, Constatine on NBC, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Agent Carter on ABC, a rumored Live Action Teen Titan show on TNT, a  rumored Supergirl show in the works with TNT and a rumored X-Men live action television show in the works with FOX.  Not to mention that Netflix has Daredevil, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and a Defenders show lined up just as well

Now there are some people that believe that there are too many Comic book shows being produced and that t's turning into overkill, but I for one would like to disagree with them and here's why.  Now to the non comic book fan, it is a little bit of overkill but to the Comic Book fan, we are only scratching the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the years of stories that these comic books have.  Not to mention that there are so many super heroes and heroines throughout the years that have yet to be portrayed on TV and could benefit from it just as well.  For example, I wouldn't mind seeing a Sci Fi show about Blue Beetle done on CW or NBC or a show based on DC super hero Icon, The Question, Mr. Terrific, Blue Devil, Birds of Prey, or Hawk and Dove being done.  Plus on the Marvel side I know there are people that wouldn't mind seeing a show featuring the Daughters of the Dragon featuring Colleen Wing and Misty Knight, or Spider-Woman,  or Black Panther, or Moon Knight, etc. 

My point is this, there are so many comic book stories out there that we are not being over-saturated with the few that we have right now.  If anything, it's just the beginning and it's only going up from here on so sit back relax kick back and enjoy the ride because these Super Hero shows are only going to get better with time.

Alright guys, that's all for now but until next tme this is the Black Chivalrous Nerd Denzel Lamar signing off  saying Love Peace and Bacon Grease *Smoke Bombs Out*

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Backstory

Dragon Sage Backstory

Isaiah Miller AKA Dragon Sage was just a normal 24 year old black man from Media, Pa until that day in August that changed his life and everything around him just as well, so let's get to the beginning of how he became the Quantum Super Hero known as Dragon Sage.  Born November 18th in 1988, Isaiah Miller is the youngest of eight children courtesy of Barry and Denise Miller, who have brought four girls and three boys into the world prior to Isaiah being born.  Growing up, Isaiah was always into comic books, pro wrestling, martial arts, anime, manga and video games.  He was considered the odd one out of the guys in his family because unlike his older brothers and father, he wasn't a hardcore fan of football and basketball so he couldn't relate to them whenever they would talk about those two sports which was when he would turn to comics and read up on the adventures of Batman, Nightwing, Robin, Black Panther and many other comics.
When He was 7 years old, he became interested into martial arts so his parents enrolled him in the local Ryu-Kyu Kempo School in their town but Isaiah wanted to learn more so they also enrolled him in Tai Kwan Do, Ninjitsu and Capoeira.  Isaiah was so focused and dedicated to all four of the arts that when he turned 14 years old, he received his black belt in all of them and was still craving more of a challenge.  So with his parents’ permission, they let him begin training with weapons such as the Bo Staff (Long Staff), Escrimas (Dual Sticks), Single Katana (One handed Sword), Double Katana (Dual Wielding), Daggers/Knives (Hand to hand combat and throwing them).  By the time he turned 16 Years Old, he became a master in all of those weapons and he also became a 6th degree black belt in all four of his Martial Arts Techniques.  Despite his Martial Arts Studies, Isaiah didn't let his academics fall behind either and in 12th grade he had graduated with a 3.0 GPA with A-'s and B+'s along with an occasional A here and there.
As stated earlier, Isaiah was the odd one in his family and the only person that he could actually relate to and talk to and feel like himself was his Paternal Grandfather.  Growing up, everytime Isaiah’s grandfather came to town it was always a great time between the two. Little did Isaiah know, his grandfather was hiding a long time secret from him and the rest of Isaiah's siblings.  Little did they know, their grandfather was born with superpowers and he went to fight crime as Phantom Hawk.  Evil Doers would tremble if they heard that Phantom Hawk was after them.  Whether it was his powers of flight, shadow manipulation and telekinesis or his intimidating physique, 85% of the criminals would give up without question while the other 15% would try their luck against him and end up in a jail cell licking their wounds.

The only people that knew of this secret was Isaiah's dad and his dad's two siblings and their mother.  No one else knew of this secret because they believed that if no one knew of it, then there could finally be a sense of peace within the family.  Well they thought there would be peace until that fateful day when the secret decided to expose itself but on it's own terms. 

On August 27, 2013, Isaiah's entire world came crashing down because his grandfather, the man who was once known as Phantom Hawk, had lost the ultimate fight with life as he passed away due to cancer.  Heartbroken and distraught, Isaiah left the house to get some fresh air and while he was just walking the streets of Media, he was crossing the street when he heard a car speeding towards him.  Isaiah puts his hands up and yells at the driver to stop, when suddenly the car starts moving in slow motion while everything else surrounding Isaiah and the car is still moving around in normal time.

Shocked and in awe, Isaiah kept his left hand up and when he snapped his fingers towards the car, the car snapped back to normal but this time, it was still running but it was frozen in one spot.  The driver of the car along with Isaiah was in shock of what had just happened so the driver stopped the car ironically and took the key out of the ignition and got out of the car.  Speechless and scared, Isaiah quickly ran from the scene and headed home.  While he was running, he saw some trash lying around in his way so he jumped over them and as he jumped, he proceeded to levitate off of the ground uncontrollably and he kept on going higher and higher into the air.

Suddenly he landed onto the ground abruptly and he stops and looks back and examines himself wondering how in the world did he do that.  Seconds later he proceeded to run home and while he is running home he runs into a couple of pedestrians and accidentally knocks one of them over.  After the pedestrian fell over, he tried to get up but he couldn't because when Isaiah ran into him, his gravity was changed so that the stranger couldn't get up.  Seeing this, Isaiah raised his right hand up into the air just to see what would happen and the pedestrian's gravity was changed back to normal.  Isaiah apologized to the couple and continued to run home and it is when he gets home and tells his parents about what had happened is when his dad tells him about the family Secret.

"To Be Continued.........."

Sorry guys but I'm going to end this post with a cliffhanger.  If you would like to read more then you have to stay tuned.  Until next time, this is the Black Chivalrous Nerd saying Love, Peace and Bacon Grease *Smoke Bombs Out*