Monday, December 31, 2012

New Naruto Trailer

Here it is you guys... The new trailer for Naruto Shippuden: UNS3 which features ALL of the Jinchuriki and their tailed beast forms

Friday, December 7, 2012

Jamie Foxx as Electro

Jamie Foxx recently announced that he will play the character Electro in the Columbia Pictures’ upcoming film ‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2.’

Foxx told Entertainment Tonight, while talking about The Amazing Spider-Man 2 that, “Electro is a great character. I met with the director, Mark Webb, I met with Andrew Garfield, and we talked. … I think Electro will be an exciting character to play because he’s a … genius electrician-type person, and he gets the short end of the stick from the whole world, and the next thing you know he turns it on.”

I'm actually down with this and can't wait to see what they do with this character because besides Venom, Electrode is my all time favorite villain in Spider-Man.


This is the Black Chivalrous Nerd signing off for now saying Love, Peace and Bacon Grease *SMOKE PELLET*

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Namco Bandai Announces "Project Vs. J"

Namco Bandai has announced the “ultimate Jump game” in the latest issue of Weekly Jump. The publisher is preparing Project Versus J, a Jump series-based action game, in commemoration of the magazine’s 45th anniversary and on the cover it has Luffy and Goku on it and they look like they are ready to fight. Release date and platform(s) have yet to be announced but stay tuned because when I find out that's when you will find out

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Throwback Nerd Out: "Batman: The Long Halloween"

In the 1990's the well renown team of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale came together to make three Halloween batman specials called Batman: Haunted Knight which included three stories called Choices (1993), Madness (1994) and Ghosts (1995). The three books were so good that Loeb and Sale came together in 1996 to create a story that is in the top 5 of the top 25 list of best batman stories of all time according to IGN and also introduces Two-Face to the world. The book I'm talking about is called "Batman: The Long Halloween".

The Long Halloween takes place in the early years of Batman's crime fighting career which is broken down in a 13 issue series that lasts an entire year where it's an issue a month. The story of the series is that there is a mass murderer that have earned the name "Holiday" because he/she has been murdering people on holidays, one death per holiday and its up to Batman and him teaming up with Jim Gordon and D.A. Harvey Dent in a race against the clock to find out who Holiday is before they go on to murder anymore people while also trying to put an end to a crime war between Gotham's most powerful families, Maroni and Falcone.

The Long Halloween also acted as a main introduction for one of Batman's most eluding foes, The Calendar Man, who knows every holiday on the calendar by heart and also knows the true identity of the Holiday killer but refuses to share this with Batman. He instead riddles and gives Batman hints from his Arkham Asylum cell. Among The Calendar Man, there are a number of other villains of Batman that make appearances in this book just as well such as Catwoman, Poison Ivy, The Joker and The Riddler just to name a few and they all have crazy moments within this book.

The one thing that this book also show cases a lot of is the "Love Story" between Batman and Catwoman's true identities and the constant run ins that these two have. Also during the story, you get to see Bruce breakdown and show his human side while as Batman especially when he is facing Scarecrow and his gas affects Batman and Batman goes into his inner child and breakdown.

Speaking of Love Stories, this book shows the struggling marriage that Harvey and Gilda Dent are having and how throughout the book you are actually concerned about this marriage and wish that they can re spark the spark in their marriage before its too late. While we're on the topic of Harvey Dent, let me just say that when he became two face I seriously felt bad for Gilda cause I knew that their marriage was finished after Harvey had half of his face burned off courtesy of the acid thrown at him.

Before I wrap this review up I think it's only fair and right if I talk about a character in the book that certainly knows about holidays, The Calendar Man. Originally named Julian Gregory Day, and originally debuted in Detective Comics #259 (September 1958), The Calendar Man is mostly considered as a joke villain throughout the DC Universe. But in The Long Halloween, Jeph Loeb has The Calendar man playing a Hannibal Lector-esque type roll, that is both interesting and also necessary as he is locked up in Arkham and knows the true identity of who The Holiday murderer is but won't tell Batman but instead is taunting Batman via Cryptic Clues on who The Holiday Murderer is. The clues are so cryptic that in one instance, Batman believes that Harvey Dent is actually the Holiday Murderer because of the evidence that batman finds at the house. But apparently word at the Dent house is that Harvey loves to bring work home as he said to Gilda during the story as she found a gun that looked like the murder weapon at the house.

I don't wanna spoil the book for anyone that hasn't read it yet but I highly recommend fans of Batman and fans of really well told comic book stories to pick up Batman: the Long Halloween. This book is just about Batman, but rather Batman/Bruce Wayne, Jim Gordon, Harvey Dent and even Selina Kyle/Catwoman just as well. You can purchase the single issues Digitally for $1.99 each or you can get the graphic novel for $16.49 on or go to your local comic book store and pick it up.

Before I go I will leave you with a quote about the story that rings true and it's by director of the latest batman trilogy Christopher Nolan and it goes like this, "The Long Halloween is more than a comic book, it's an Epic Tragedy".

Alright guys that's all the time I have for today but I encourage you to stay tuned because there will be more Throwback Nerd Outs to come. Share, Like, Plus One, Comment, but above all else please Donate because there are so many more ideas that I want to do with this website but I can only do so much, given the financial status of my current job, but trust me when I say that this is just the beginning for The Black Chivalrous Nerd.


This is the Black Chivalrous Nerd signing off for now saying Love, Peace and Bacon Grease *SMOKE PELLET*

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

WWE '13 Review

Okay I know this is late as all hell and I'm sorry for that but here it is.

First off Let me just say that this game truly does bring back the nostalgia of the Attitutde Era with the their Attitude Era Mode. Attitude Era Mode was this years story mode instead of the Road to wrestlemania and what they did was start from the summer slam when Bret and undertaker were fighting and Shawn was the guest referee and Shawn "screwed" undertaker. Then after that it continues on to when DX began, the stone cold era, then the brothers of destruction, mankind, the rock, and there are other memorable things that happen.

The commentary during the Attitude Era Mode is JR and The King which is a plus, You have Paul Heyman who was the writer for this game mode so that's another plus for the game. Another thing was that the cinema cut scenes was actual footage from that time and you had narration to get you ready for the next match. The one thing I didn't like was the Brothers Of Destruction story because you only controlled either one about 35% of the time. If I'm playing a story about the BOD then I expect to play as either Kane or Undertaker, Not Mankind, Not Stone Cold not any other wwe wrestlers.

But overall I really enjoyed this Game Mode but now on to the other features of the game. The WWE Universe is almost as good as last year. One of the few things I had against it was that it really wasn't as interactive as they said it was. One example is that when freely customizing a match you can't make it a title match :( I'm not amused by that. The other thing I don't like is that they say that there are some story lines within the WWE Universe mode where injuries happen, or rather they should. I've played this mode multiple times and have twisted John Cena in more knots than a sailor or Boy Scout know and have shattered every bone in his body and he ain't injured.

So I decided to try it on the rest of the roster that he thinks he's a better wrestler than most of them *Side Eye* but anyway, the same thing happened... So that turned to be false advertisement so that was another minus for the game. The cut scenes are great and awesome and they also added a few more cut scenes and that was cool so there's another plus. The other downside was that Michael Cole was doing commentary with Jerry "The King" Lawler but I would've preferred have JR for universe mode but anyway. You can create your own show and make your own roster and add which titles you want on the show just as well.

Another feature that I like is the create feature which Includes the create a wrestler mode, create an entrance, create a finisher, create an arena, create a title, create a storyline. All of that is up and running and all is awesome. I'm still upset with the create a Finisher because I want to create submission hold finishers. I seriously want to create the Chikara Special and put a lot of people in that hold so make it happen THQ.

the online feature hasn't been buggy as of yet so right now I'm all about the wwe online community in this game, I've downloaded a few characters and I enjoy it very much so. The graphics for thesis so clear and crisp, there are still some bugs and warps here and there but that's nothing new. One incident was when I was in a TLC match against Rey Mysterio and I suplexed him from the top of the ladder to the outside onto a table and as he crashed through the table, his lower body went down but his upper body stayed up where the table use to be.

But I digress, the roster is jam packed with every one from the current roster even though there are a few superstars that still got fired before the game came out but still it's great to see them on here. Even though I love some of he guys on the roster there was one thing that caught my attention and it has had my attention the longest. WHY ISN'T THE USO'S AND TAMINA SNUKA NOT IN THIS GAME? I mean come on I want the USO'S in this game please? If you can have their father in it why not the sons? Who cares about Gangrel or Nash anymore? Those spot should've been used for the Uso's. and another one is sable because if you are going to have an attitude era resurrection mode why not have Sable? Come on now.

But overall I believe that this game gets a 8.95 out of 10 and I highly recommend it for anyone that loves pro wrestling games. Oh and btw? Predator Technology didn't fuck this game up like last year. This game also has a feature called OMG! Where in certain areas in a match, you can perform a finisher that would make Joey Styles scream, "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" And I'm talking about tackling an opponent through the barricade, finishers through tables, and if you have two super heavyweights you can perform the superplex heard around the world and break the ring.

Alright guys that's all the time for now so don't forget to check it out, play it and love it.

Shout out to the CHATROOM And the shows that come out from the people within the CHATROOM.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

DC and Marvel's story arc war for 2012

So this year in the world of Comics we've had blockbuster story arcs that are amazing, shocking and jaw dropping. DC had the Night Of Owls story Arc that talks about a secret organization that is as old as Gotham try to take out Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, Batwing, Red Hood, Red Robin and in one issue of All-Star Western you will see Jonah Hex go against a Talon - deadly assassins for the Court of Owls- back in the era of cowboys and Indians to see who truly rules the nights of Gotham. I'm still reading this story arc but from what I'm reading this story arc is truly attention grabbing for the reader.

Marvel then answers with the summer blockbuster known as Avengers Vs. X-Men which I believe was absolutely amazing. No punches were held back in this event as old alliances were broken, marriages were destroyed, cities were annihilated, and long time friends and loved ones were lost in this all out war. This story arc which revolved around the ever powerful Phoenix returning and whether it means the rebirth of the mutant race or the destruction of the planet but overall it's a story you do not want to miss out on.

Following that blockbuster Marvel continues to swing with a story arc within their ultimate universe known as Divided we Fall/United we stand story arc that involved Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men and the Ultimates that has now changed the ultimate universe but is this change for the worse or for the good? You will just have to continue to read the ultimate universe comics to see

Now DC answers back with another crossover story arc called "Death of the Family" which involves Batman, Batgirl, Catwoman, Harley, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, the current Robin, Alfred and wait for it..... The Joker. Yes, the Clown Prince of crime in Gotham is back after vanishing for a year and having his face carved off, check out the pic below from Detective Comics #1 to see what I mean, to expose batman and the entire bat family and promises that the people around Batman and probably Batman will be dying in this Story Arc. From what has happened so far in the Story Arc, Joker returns, gets his face back, wrecks havoc and is reliving crime scenes that he has already tried once but is adding more twists and swerves this time around. Oh and by the way? Joker finally has the identities of Batman and everyone else

Reliving scenarios like Joker and Batmans first encounter when Joker was the original Red Hood or the ever so memorable scenario from the book "The Killing Joke" when he cripples batgirl but instead has his goons kidnap Batgirl's Mother which adds a twist to Batgirl and Joker's encounter in which I do not want to give anything away. As I'm reading this story arc I'm intrigued to see what other Classic Scenarios Joker brings back to life with more twists added this time and what happens next and what has happened to Alfred.

In this never ending war between the two power comic book empires I believe that DC got the upper hand this year when it comes to story arcs in comic books. Even though Avengers Vs. X-Men was epic and Marvel s going through a Re-Launch themselves with Marvel NOW! DC blew them out of the water and is going to close out the year with their hands raised and continue this momentum going into next year, but this is my opinion. What do you guys think? Who do you think won this years War Of The Mega Comic Empires and what do you expect next year between Marvel and DC? Comment on either G+ or on this post and give me your views and opinions.... Okay guys that's all for now. PEACE